Supermodel Carol Alt is in the best shape of her life at 53, thanks to a raw food diet and regular yoga workouts.
In an exclusive Examiner interview, Alt revealed how she has maintained effortless weight loss, defied the aging process, and dramatically improved her health by eating raw.
Alt, who has written three bestselling books on the raw food diet, including Easy, Sexy, Raw, now hosts the Fox News talk show, “A Healthy You and Carol Alt.”
Alt is thrilled to share the natural health and beauty secrets that have helped her stay drop-dead gorgeous, skinny and youthful. Interestingly, Carol became a raw foodie during her early 30s after struggling with a weight problem.
“My journey started 17 years ago when a photographer came up to me at a photo shoot and said, ‘You’re not in swimsuit shape,'” recalled Alt, who has graced the covers of over 700 magazines.
Frustrated with her weight, Alt consulted a health expert, who advised her to eat as much raw vegetables, fruits, seared fish, cold-pressed oils and nuts as she wanted as long as it wasn’t heated over 115 degrees.
The diet completely changed her life. The willowy 5-foot-11 Alt, who used to starve herself during her modeling days, now stays reed-thin without dieting, has barely aged during the past two decades, and rarely gets sick. Alt said the raw-food diet also cured her chronic indigestion and sinus infections.
What’s more, she eats as much as she likes, is never hungry, and has off-the-charts energy. Food is no longer the enemy, but a means to great health.
“I look at every meal as a way to heal myself and be kind to my body,” she said. “Because raw food is so nutritionally dense, it’ll feed your body. A healthy diet is everything.”
Carol is not a proponent of low-fat diets, and insists that eating lots of essential fatty acids like cold-pressed olive oil and coconut oil is the key to maintaining radiant skin and losing weight. She also does yoga three times a week and lots of stretching exercises to keep her muscles limber.
Carol shares her anti-aging weight loss, diet and beauty secrets in her top-rated health books: Easy Sexy Raw and Eating in the Raw.
This article was originally published on Examiner. Copyright©2014.
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